The 5th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems provides an exciting opportunity to learn and discuss about the latest advances in ORC research & development, application/demonstration and a variety of issues related to ORC energy systems. The seminar features presentations and lectures by prominent scientific groups, leading ORC companies and expert users at the forefront of ORC research and development.
Based on our experience of the first four ORC seminars in 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017 (350 registered participants), we expect a larger attendance of leading representatives of industry, universities, R&D institutes, regulatory agencies and operators from all over the world. ORC2019 is therefore a perfect opportunity to promote your organization to the best professionals in the area of Sustainable Energy Systems.
The Conference Venue is a well-equipped conference center and is situated in the center of Athens. It is easily accessible by public transport and by car. We have booked the venue, which features a lobby and a large external space. This will provide the conference with plenty of space for sponsor booths, poster presentations and exposition of small ORC modules.
We are pleased to provide this opportunity and we would like to invite your company to consider one of our promotion or sponsoring packages. Of course, if you have any other new or special idea to support ORC2019, please let us know. Together we can work out any idea to generate the best value for money for your company.
The first two Industry Days at ORC2015 in Brussels and ORC2017 in Milano were such a big success that there will be a follow up. Again we will organise the Industry day "Bridging the gap between academia and industrial leaders in the field of ORC energy systems". The Industry Day will be held parallel on one of the conference days.
All industry representatives and sponsors will get the opportunity to give a unique 10 minutes pitch. The fee for the pitch is included in all sponsor packages. Others who are interested in giving a pitch can sign in on the online registration form. The fee will be € 400,- per pitch (excl. conference fee).
Here below is what we offer in return for your financial support:
PDF attendees list | Company/ Organisation logo on the conference website |
10-minutes pitch on the Industry Day | Free conference tickets | A booth to use as exhibit space | Editorial space in the printed conference program | Your name and logo on all printed matters | Extra vouchers to invite your business partners to join the conference dinner |
Sponsor Package Platinum €8000,- |
* | * | * | 3 free conference tickets | an extra big booth as exhibit space | 2 Pages-long editorial | * | 3 free conference dinners |
Sponsor Package Gold, €4000,- |
* | * | * | 1 free conference ticket | * | 1 Page-long editorial | * | 2 free conference dinners |
Sponsor Package Silver, €2000,- |
* | * | * | Half page editorial |
There is also the possibility of buying tickets to invite your business-related partners to ORC2019.
The discount depends on the number of tickets on the same invoice:
1st extra tickets 10% discount
2nd extra tickets 15% discount
3rd extra tickets 20% discount
4th extra tickets or more = maximum discount 25%

All attendants will be able to use the European Corner at ORC2019. The aim is to have a spot where any interested researcher participating at the conference can hang a poster and/or distribute leaflets or other material of funded European projects. For organizational issues, please inform the organizers before the conference about your intention to use the European Corner
(Dissemination Fee: € 1.000,-).
For more information, please contact us at: